Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Indonesia tanah air beta.

news on tv make me sick, there is no good news, all news especially local news make people so fed up with the country, all the terible and horrible thing was flash on tv screen, and we keep consuming how bad this country was.how inappropiate government act due to many cases...

let me list what news that stayed few weeks on tv screen :
1. Gayus and his hidden treasure
2. Nunun and her lost memory
3. Nasarudin "the most wanted man"
4. TKI (pacung lah, sembelih lah, potong lah, gantung lah)
5. Naughty judges
6. Corruption

gheez this is why i hate local channel...where we can gain our love back to our country if MEDIA keep showing us how bad this country is..i agree, i know our country is in a worst condition, noone can trust anyone..but we stayed in INDONESIA dude...

dont make something bad become worst, government is all the nonsense things, all they have to do is make people in government get richer and richer but this doesnt mean that we have to create another problem by starting riot and protest in every way we can...

life is too short...all our life we should do what we can do best, like written on a bible "give what you should give to your country and give what you should give to your God" , i guess the rest let the God manage it and let people who did a bad thing get their punishment not by us , but by God, i know it sounds so lame, but who are we to judge and punish them and tell them "YOU STUPID HUMAN BEING" as we are also not perfect...

if you do love your country lets start with it with small thing you can do for your country :
1. pay your taxes (i know i hate this part too..but somehow this country need money to cover every expenses with or without additional cost that get inside people in government pocket)
2. respect each other (im chinese and im christian . the minor citizen in indonesia but i respect every single human being that different with me, i didnt say different is beautiful but its a variety, please dont judge people by the cover...not all chinese perfect so please dont judge people who non chinese is bad guy)
3. read the news, comment less, move on with your life
4. lets make indonesia a better living for our children and grand children by not THROWING RUBBISH everywhere
5. gather with your family, pray for this country

well like i said before, i just noone in this big country but i love Indonesia despite how bad it is...
so i will proud of my country no matter what happening
i know sometimes i feel the same way, complaining to my फ्रिएंडी Education of biology said how i feel the government should react on few cases but this doesnt solve anything..
like mention above, cant do big thing for the country then do the small thing... afterall Indonesia give you air, space, life that you live for now ....

cheers mate!

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