Selasa, 27 September 2011

I wrote a poem in English

Mohon dikoreksi kalo ada yang janggal, yah....

Tears of Poinsettias

I wish I could
Remember that cold

I never knew
How the warm feels like
How your lips feels like

But I know you know
Even I don't want you to know

All I know, you know me
All I believe, you believe me
I know you
I believe you
Just like you

I rely
My faith
And my hope
On you

I wish I could
Remember that night

Without you
I am only a jerk
A fu**in' coward
Live here, all alone
In a bitchy world

It's dark here
It's all dizzy
No one

It's me
Only me
And my stupidity

I wish I could
Remember that Winter

When I'm alone, you're there
Always there

You're a light
In my empty-silent heart
You said to me,
"You're my precious poinsettia"

You pick a poinsettia
Give it to me
And you're crying
As if I would die that night

I said what you've just said to me
Just to make you smile
Then you're gone

I wish I could
Remember that cold Winter night

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