Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Who's your Indonesian most admired man?

If we want to be a successful person in a particular field we should have a good exemplary. His or her great achievement in life will be a measurement of our small progress.

For me, since I begin to get interested in learning cyberworld I think : Onno w.purbo is the most admired one. my choice based on these:


The Indonesian Internet society dubs him the “web evangelist” for his struggle to protect affordable Internet access in Indonesia.
what's interesting is this:


The former civil servant who once worked as a lecturer at the prestigious Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was recently awarded the Tasrif Award by the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) at the alliance’s 16th anniversary. The AJI honored his work in setting up RTRW-net, a community-based internet infrastructure making affordable Internet access possible for people in rural areas.
his famous quote:


“A person’s value is not measured by fortune, rank or title, but more by the benefits he or she provides for others,” Onno said.
and let me know who's your indonesian most admired man? tell me why is that so? thanks before..

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